"Never Waste a Hot Oven!" - How an old saying prompted us to help hungry children in the school holidays.
‘Our ovens are on, we have the ingredients and we know how to cook healthy and nutritious meals, why wouldn’t we want to help?’
It seems like such a small effort to make, but one that reaps huge rewards for the hundreds, now thousands of children and families that we are lucky enough to be in a position to help. Of course, we are not alone and we tip our hats to the supermarkets, restaurants, social clubs and community centre’s that provide so much support for families that might be struggling a wee bit.
We launched our effort during first lockdown, and what began as a quick message pushed out to our followers on social media quickly escalated into a full-scale fundraising drive, we were delighted, although not surprised, at the generosity of our friends as donation after donation came in.
This allowed us to purchase more fresh ingredients, cook more nutritious meals and help ease the pressure on families. Since then, we have continued to raise funds and cook meals, and today we prepare and distribute fresh dinners and lunches to schools across the region at holiday time.
Our main contribution is the cooking, with energy costs rising it just make sense that we use our facilities to cook ‘extra’, after all as the old saying goes ‘never waste a hot oven’.
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Our Restaurant
Silent Pool, Shere Road, Albury, Guildford, GB GU5 9BW
Mon - Fri, 10am - 5m Saturday, 10am - 5pm Sunday, 10am - 5pm